For those of you who are actually also interested in what I am doing here in Bangladesh and not only my thinking, I will now provide a small update.
I arrived on Thursday as the weekend started here. (Weekends are Friday and Saturday –for the lucky ones as many works/ goes to school Saturday as well). Thursday and Friday I mainly slept as I didn’t sleep very well on my 27 hour long trip. And Saturday I then was first shown the bus-routes to Grameen Bank by my AIESEC contact person. And later on my room mate, Chihero, took me to the University where the School/ NGO, Jaago Foundation, where she is doing her internship had a play for the university students. We were staying with the kids while they were waiting before the play and I had the opportunity to talk to them and get to know them a little bit. These kids are orphans or children who are abandoned by their parents. They are the street children that I see selling flowers, pop-corn or simply begging. But these kids are going to school as well, learning English and getting self-confidence despite their tough stories. This experience touched me a lot and I am still considering if I should get more involved and how in Jaago Foundation. When the play was finished, they needed some girls to go in the car with the children and the guy who was responsible from Jaago Foundation and thus me and Chihero went to Jaago with the children. The kids were not use to driving in a car… and it was very warm + they were tired… the result was that a lot of them got really sick so there was enough to see to. I was sitting with the girl who was the most sick –just holding her and telling her that it was alright….. she was feeling so bad and so ashamed. I realized how easy it actually is to make a difference to another person!!! When we had to say goodbye she came to me and gave me the biggest hug!!!
The next day, Sunday the 10th, I started my basic training program with Grameen Bank. And already the second day I went on a one day field trip to a branch, Doreim Mirjapur. Here I went on my first Center meeting –that is, the women are organized in groups of min. 5 members and the groups are then belonging to a center where they meet each month to pay their loan installment, propose new loans and discuss any problems.
And the next day again, Monday the 11th, I wnet on a 6 days field trip to Tangail District, visiting the branch Khilda Kalihati. Here I went to more center meetings, interviewed members with different profiles, interviewed the branch manager, the area manager, the zonal manager and was discussing with my interpreter and the branchmanager about the different features of Grameen Bank. While I was there, the biggest Hindu Celebration was on so I also got to visit a local temple and see their celebrations.
The standard of accommodation was more simple here than my home in Dhaka. I was being eaten up by mosquitos and I had a huge 6-legged friend at the toilet… I had rice, chicken and curry twice a day which I was trying to eat by hand as they do it here.
I liked it in the village but I was also happy to go “home” to Dhaka to a more comfortable environment.
The following week I had the opportunity to visit some of the Grameen Bank’s sister companies, some of them being social businesses. These were Grameen Shakti (energy), Grameen Kalyan (well-being), Grameen Shikkha (education). And I had meetings with managers of the different departments. I also met with the manager of the sister company, Grameen Trust, which is working with the implementing replications in other countries. And I got arranged that I can start an internship with them after my three weeks of training program finished with Grameen Bank.
The following week, I got to see a garments factory as we went to visit the sister company Grameen Knitwear. And on Monday the 25th I went on a 4 days fieldtrip to Rajshahi near the Indian border. I was going to stay in Delvabadi Dargapur branch and visit Noapara Dargapur branch which was completely new and just opened this month. And I loved this place! It was so beautiful, so quiet and calm. A good escape from Dhaka’s noisiness, pollution and chaos. The people in the branch were also much more open and wanted to talk more with me. The centermanagers and the branch manager all lived in the same house as I did and in the evening we were hanging out –looking at pictures of Denmark and listening to Hindu music. The center managers were younger than the previous branch and my age.
While I was in this branch, questions regarding women empowerment bothered me and I discussed it with the branch managers and my interpreter –but it was clear, that even though they want women empowerment, then our perception of this are very different! I asked to interview the one female center managers and I realized that she was much more on my side –which I could not help being happy about. I will leave this topic to one of my thoughtful moments.
Coming back to Dhaka and relaxing this weekend. I am soon meeting with a girl who used to be member of AIESEC and who I met through my roommate Chihero. Today I also went to sign up for Jaago’s United Childerens Day event on the 11th of November. Then I will go on the street together with a lot of other students and sell flowers, pop-corn and newspapers in stead of the street children who will go to the amusement park that day. It is an awareness campaign and I bet it will create awareness when the white girl is selling pop-corn on the street. Haha
Besides that, tomorrow I finish my training program and I will take the rest of the week of. I will meet with people from AIESEC, go visit a factory of my friend and on Thursday I am going to the National Conference of AIESEC Bangladesh as Facilitator. And then I guess I will start my internship with Grameen Foundation afterwards.
Three weeks have passed, 8 weeks more to go and many more experiences to come….