Why dare to dream

When naming this blog, I was considering what the purpose of the blog is and what it will end up containing... First I was thinking that it should say something about travelling and the world as I am right now on my way on a trip... but then I thought, I will not be travelling all the time for the rest of my life... but I may still want to be blogging... I was then considering a name in regard to my life and you who will read my blog.... and finally I realized that daring to dream is what I hope my life will represent -no matter where I am, what I do and who I will be together with. And what I like to believe it has already represented. I started studying economics because I dream of making the world a better place for all of us and I believe economics hold some of the tools to do so. I have travelled to latinamerica and africa to explore parts of world which need to develop to improve the lifes of the people and because I dream of being part of this. And I was active in the student organization AIESEC because I believe in its vision and the network and together with the aiesec members I dare to dream.

But why dare to dream.... because dreams are the fuel to change... and the world needs change... I cannot help dreaming that no people will suffer from malnutrition and hunger. Or that all people will live in peace with each other. I dream that we will accept each other. I dream that politicians do what is best for the people. That companies are doing business with respect and social responsibility. I dream that all children will grow up as safe and with the same opportunities as I have.

Now with my studies done -I am at a point where I can dream more than ever... and more important.... I can act on my dreams.

So follow me and see where my dreams will take me.

mandag den 21. februar 2011

New Context, same content…

All day yesterday my father, my mother and I were moving from one point to another –for my new chapter to start... Today I have all day moved things around, unpacking and setting up... to create the right context for my new chapter... It is all new and yet it seems so familiar... the context has changed but the content is the same... Still no job, still spending way too much time on Facebook and still something or someone is missing...
It is funny how we define ourselves... When presenting ourselves we tell our name, what we do for living and maybe how old we are, where we live and whether we’re in a relationship. Do we stick deeper then we may also tell where we have travelled, who our friends are, what music we like... And then maybe when we get closer with someone we tell them about our dreams...
Are these things really defining us?
If we suffered from amnesia...who would we then be? ...if we couldn’t tell any of these things because we didn’t remember....  Would we be nobody then? Does it matter what our name is, what we do for living and what music we like for determining who we are?
Would our dream still survive amnesia or could it change? I feel my dreams are a big part of me and who I am. But are they any different from any of the other points? If our dreams are not reflected in our actions and our behaviour –do they really matter then? And when they are reflected in our actions and behaviour –they are translated into something similar to the other points... they are then reflected in what we do for living, where we live, who our friends are etc... So I guess it is all part of who we are...
I have changed my context but my content is still the same... I hope my dream will be reflected in who I am. I hope my dream will be part of who I am.

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